Imagination is more important than knowledge.

14th August 2019

When Can Technology Help You In Court?

Obviously, it’s never fun accusing someone of a crime or getting accused of a crime yourself. Unfortunately, it happens to millions of people every day who all need to find a lawyer who specializes in criminal defense law in order to get the charges dropped or reduced. The question often comes up in these suits and countersuits where technology fits in. In other words, when can technology help you in court if you know that you have a strong case? There are lots of different answers to this question.

A big part of the answer of when technology comes through is regarding digital imaging. In other words, if you can use your cell phone information, security footage, and other digital means to back up your version of the events surrounding a crime, you are much better off. On the other side of that, if you did commit a crime or your lying about the situation that you’re in, technology definitely is not going to work in your favor.

What’s Your Case?

The first thing to think of is the type of case you’re involved in. After you contact a law firm, you should be able to get some necessary information about the likelihood of your case succeeding. If there’s no chance at all that you’re going to win, then you don’t have to worry about technology in the first place.

However, if your case deals directly with technology right from the get-go, then obviously you should use every possible resource that you can to prove your point. If you can convince a jury and a judge of your honesty by using technological advantages, that benefits your case.

Using Digital Evidence

Using digital evidence in court is an evolving field. Even a few years ago, not everyone had cell phones. But now, they are high-quality and very accurate, and that means that there are all sorts of ways to get hard evidence out of the machinery that you carry around in your pocket.

Especially when it comes to messages sent to and from phones – there is a lot of digital evidence that comes out this way. It can be used in court between people who are getting a divorce, between politicians and constituents, and even between neighbors that are having conflicts.

Timestamps and Security Footage

Digital evidence also comes in the form of timestamps and security footage. Most businesses have low-cost security cameras outside of their buildings. Even if you are not shopping at a place, it may be that you are on camera. Because of this kind of security footage, if you claim to be in a specific area, there will be digital proof of it. If it comes down to a matter of credibility, you can use this public technology to your advantage.

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